Sankt Hans 2013
Tak for en dejlig aften! Båltaleren ved årets Sank Hans i Søvang var den zimbabweanske fribyforfatter Tendai Tagarira, som oplæste sit digt, skabt til lejligheden, akkompagneret af Christina på trompet (og hele forsamlingen som talekor)
Vi fik sunget Midsommervisen (i flere versioner), med live akkompagnement af lokale musikere (af udvalgte puplikummere døbt “Zen Hans Bandet”). Foto er tager af Thorkil (H17)
POEM By Tendai Tagarira.
Some witches have broom sticks!
Rayban glasses and stolen peace
Some witches have guns and brooms
Military runs and Mystic drones!
Stumpling pieces in your peace
Some witches are mothers monsters
Grandpa, Grandma’s posters
Some witches are daughters
little brother’s monsters
Fighting each other with bad options
Blackholes and turmoil explosions
playing invisible poker
So you seek your answers in the sun,
forgeting the son!
Salvaging what you can,
running away from pain
trying to find peace,
Outside your own heartbeat?
So you build a bon fire
Set the witch alight tonight!
Forgeting to forgive the witch,
For judgement will consume the witch
In Grace will find peace!
Forgiveness a Door to Repentance
Choosing each day
Dust or LIGHT
This is our constant fight!
Warring in our souls in private
out of sight, out of public mind
Who forgives your iniquity?
Who heals your disease?
Who redeems you from the witch?
Who saves you from corruption?
Dust or Light? Light or Dust?
Dust to Dust Light to Light
May you see the Light.